Saturday, May 11, 2019

William Langworthy 1813-1899

William Langworthy was born 18 May 1813 in New York to Amon Langworthy and Polly Ann Hatch.

1820 Federal Census - Otisco, Onondaga, New York
Amon Langworthy Jr. - 3 males under age 10; 1 male 10-15; 1 male 26-44; 1 female under 10; 1 female 10-15; 1 female 26-44.

1830 Federal Census - Ellery, Chautauqua, New York
Amon Langworthy - 2 males age 10-15; 1 male 15-20; 1 male 40-50; 1 female 15-20; 1 female 20-30; 1 female 40-50

William married Martha Jane Welton in  Nov 1836. [Based on their golden anniversary]. Martha was born 11 Jan 1813 in New York.

Daughter Mary was born 19 Oct 1838 in Pennsylvania.

1840 Federal Census - Ellery, Chautauqua, New York
William Langworthy - 1 male age 20-30, 1 female under 5, 1 female age 20-30

Daughter Ruth was born 3 Dec 1842 in Chautauqua, New York

Daughter Amelia was born 7 Nov 1846 in Clarkson, Monroe, New York

Son William Alonzo was born 18 Nov 1849 in Clarendon, Orleans, New York. [In Amelia's story below she tells that William is the first living son. Perhaps a son was born in 1840 or 1844. She also mentions a total of eight children born, no two born in the same place.]

1850 Federal Census - Clarendon, Orleans, New York
Wm, 35, farmer, born New York
Martha, 34, born New York
Mary, 10, born Pennsylvania
Ruth, 7, born New York
Amelia, 3, born New York
Alonzo, 1, born New York

Son Franklin P. was born 8 May 1852 in New York.

Daughter Mary was married 23 Aug 1854 to George Brown in New York.

From the Whitewater township historical society, is learned that William's brother Amon, along with George Brown and William Fife were Whitewater's first settlers.

Amelia tells that the family - William and Martha with 5 children, plus daughter Mary and son-in-law George Brown, and Philander Odell, his wife Fidelia who was Martha's sister and their 7 children moved to Michigan in October 1855. "We came to Buffalo on the cars then shipped on the propeller Plymouth Rock to Mackinac where we took the Arrow for Grand Traverse Bay."

Arrow in 1848

The leaving his family at Old Mission, William went to Whitewater township to work. In February 1856 he returned for his family and moved them to Elk Rapids.

Daughter Christina Evelo (called Ainie/Annie) was born 14 May 1856 in Williamsburg, Grand Traverse, Michigan.

A few months later on 24 Sep 1856 William and Martha become grandparents when Russell is born to daughter Mary and her husband George Brown - the first of the couple's eight children.

Photo of Russell, George and Mary - from Ancestry.

The Grand Traverse Herald tells of the death of Martha's sister, Fidelia Welton Odell, on 28 Jan 1859, four days after the death of her child.

1860 Federal Census - Traverse, Grand Traverse, Michigan
Wm, 45, farmer, born New York
Martha, 43, born New York
Mary, 21, born Pennsylvania
Ruth, 17, born New York
Amelia, 13, born New York
Alonzo, 10, born New York
Franklin, 8, born New York
Martha J., 6, born Pennsylvania
Christina, 4, born Michigan

On 1 Apr 1862 William purchased 40 acres - the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 32, T28N, R9W from the United States.

Daughter Amelia was married to Jared Arnold on 29 Jan 1865 in Grand Traverse county. Liber 1 page 68.

On 17 Oct 1865 William sold to A. W. Langworthy the S 1/2 of the S 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of section 18, T28N R10W township of Penninsula for $200; AND to Harvey A. Langworthy the N 1/2 of S 1/2 of NE 1/4 of section 18, T28N R10W township of Penninsula for $200. Liber 6, page 20 and 21.

Daughter Ruth was married to William Dunn in March 1867 in Williamsburg. [Record not found in Grand Traverse county.]

Grand Traverse county land records, vol. 6 page 146 show William selling to Harvey Langworthy for $200 - 73 acres - NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 and lot 2 - section 18 township of Peninsula on 2 Apr 1867.

William's mother, Polly/Mary Ann died 15 Oct 1869 and is buried in Ogdensburg, Grand Traverse county.

1870 Federal Census - Whitewater, Grand Traverse county
William, 56, farmer, real estate valued at $1,000; personal estate $500; born New York
Martha, 55, born New York
William, 20, farm laborer, born New York
Franklin, 18, farm laborer, born New York
Christina, 14, attends school, born Michigan

The agricultural schedule, township of Whitewater, gives a view of William's farm.

Line 37, Langworthy, William, 20 acres improved, 60 acres wooded, value of farm - $1,000, vaule of implements $100, 1 horse, 2 milch cow, 5 other cattle, 3 swine, value of livestock - $400; 60 bushels winter wheat, 40 bushels rye, 100 bushels corn, 30 bushels buckweat.

William's father, Amon died 17 Feb 1871 in New York, where he had moved after Polly's death to live with his daughter's family.

Daughter Martha Jane married John Harmon Noteware on 13 Apr 1874. [Record not found.] Picture from Dan Earl on Ancestry.

The Grand Traverse Herald of 9 Jul 1874 tells of a sheriff's sale regarding William's land in section 17, Peninsula township.

Grand Traverse Herald 3 Dec 1874 "New Way to Kill a Bear."

Daughter Christina died 25 Nov 1878 and was buried in Williamsburg Cemetery.

1880 Federal Census - Whitewater, Grand Traverse
William, 66, farmer, born New York
Martha, 65, wife, keeping house, born New York
Franklin P., 28, son, works on farm, born New York
Martha, 4, granddaughter, born Michigan

1880 agricultural schedule Whitewater township
Line 1, Langworthy, William, owner, 50 acres tilled, 22 acres wooded, 8 acres other,
value of farm - $3,000, value of livestock - $35, spent on building and repairs - $15,
wages paid - $75, hired for 12 weeks, value of farm production - $800,
mown 4 acres, hay 2 acres,
2 horses, 2 milch cows, 7 other cattle, 2 calves dropped in 1879, 5 cattle sold living, 400 pounds butter, 8 swine, 28 poultry, 200 eggs,
buckwheat - 2 acres, 30 bushels,
Indian corn - 8 acres, 350 bushels,
oats- 2 acres, 36 bushels,
rye - 5 acres, 9 bushels,
wheat - 16 acres, 250 bushels,
Canadian peas - 18 bushels,
potatoes - 1 1/2 acres, 300 bushels,
apples - 3 acres, 60 producing trees, 60 bushels, orchard value - $50

Son William Alonzo married Jennie E. Briggs on 28 Jan 1880 in Elk Rapids, Antrim county.

William's brother-in-law, Philander Odell died 9 May 1883 in Antrim county.
Photo of Philander from Elden Johnson on Ancestry.

The Leelanau Enterprise of 18 Nov 1886 tells of William and Martha's 50th Wedding Anniversary

Martha Jane died 24 Apr 1893 in Williamsburg, Grand Traverse county

Martha was buried in Williamsburg Cemetery.

Son-in-law William Dunn died 22 Dec 1894 in Green Lake township, Grand Traverse county.

Son Alonzo (William) died 22 Feb 1895 in Whitewater township, Grand Traverse county.

Daughter Ruth, widow of William Dunn, married Henry E. Davis 9 Sep 1897 in Monroe Center, Grand Traverse county.

Photo of Ruth - date unknown

Daughter Mary died 2 Apr 1898 in Whitewater township, Grand Traverse county

She is buried in Williamsburg Cemetery

William died 6 Feb 1899 in Acme township, Grand Traverse county. He was aged 85 years, 7 months, 12 days. William had eight children, four living.

He was buried next to wife Martha in Williamsburg cemetery.

Traverse City Record Eagle of 8 Feb 1899 tells of William's death


Amelia's story

From the Traverse City Record Eagle 2 Jul 1977

 From the Traverse Region